TERI School of Advanced Studies (India) is a deemed University of higher learning to meet the needs for a rapidly developing India. But, as a global institution, while it draws strength from the ethos and traditions of India, the University reaches out in sourcing knowledge from across the globe. It also derives major strength from the reservoir of knowledge, experience and research activities of its parent body, TERI. The strength of the university lies in not only on training, capacity building, and education but also identifying and articulating intellectual challenges straddling a number of disciplines of knowledge through different projects leading to development of specific problem-based advanced technologies that help carry benefits to society at large. TERI university’s growing credentials, nationally as well as internationally, continue to attract talents from the best institutions across the world and, today drawn from multidisciplinary and highly specialized fields, offices and regional centres equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, and a diverse range of activities. All activities in TERI School of Advanced Studies move from formulating local-and national-level strategies to suggesting global solutions to critical energy and environment-related issues. TERI School of Advanced Studies is committed towards promoting awareness of environmental damage and degradation of natural resources and working towards finding solutions to these problems with the aim to consolidate its ‘local focus and global reach. The primary goals are to i) Tackle issues of concern to Indian society, and the world at large, and develop innovative and cost-effective solutions; ii) Enhance networking for sustainable interventions; iii) Realize potential for national and international leadership as a knowledge-based agent of change in the fields of energy, environment, other natural resources and sustainable development; and iv) Inspire and reach out to diverse stakeholders for realising a shared vision of global sustainable development that could be translated into action.
Role in the project
TU will contribute to WP5 (Sustainability assessment and identifying BATs) and co-lead there the tasks on economic evaluation (2b and 2d) and governance (2g), and contribute to other tasks.
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