Centre for Environmental Management and Decision Support (CEMDS), Vienna, Austria

The Centre for Environmental Management and Decision Support (CEMDS) is a non-for-profit organization specialized in the field of environmental management and decision support. It is established under Austrian Law and was set up in 2004 as a spin-off of BOKU University. The work of CEMDS focuses on research and fosters an integrated approach, including not only technical and environmental issues, but and in particular social, institutional and economic aspects in the field of water and sanitation. For this project proposal its expertise in the field of social, economic and institutional assessments in India, and its experiences with working with local authorities and stakeholders will be utilized.

Role in the project

CEMDS will mainly contribute to WP2 (Pilot 9) and WP5.

Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI), Porto, Portugal

SPI is a private consulting company created in 1996 as an active centre of national and international networks connected to the SME and innovation sectors. SPI has become a leading promoter of linkages between private sector companies, science and technology institutions, and national and international public and private organizations. SPI embraces the mission of managing projects that promote regional, national and international development, stimulate entrepreneurship, innovation and knowledge management and encourage internationalization and creation of strategic partnerships and business relationships. SPI has over 80 full-time staff located in its various offices in Portugal, China, Spain, and the USA. SPI is very experienced in working with the European Commission and DG Research & Innovation, including in over 25 FP7/CIP and over 35 H2020 projects across a range of research themes and normally including a strong international component such as environment, smart energy, ICT, food, biotechnology, health, international cooperation of science, technology and innovation, nanotechnologies and space.

Role in the project

SPI is the leader of the WP6– Dissemination, communication and exploitation, overseeing all dissemination and communication activities. SPI has competences in promotion of exploitation (participation in trade fairs, elaboration of business plans, and exploitation strategies), dissemination, communication and visibility actions (SPI has an in-house design team with capability of developing websites, professional promotional and informational materials). SPI leads dissemination and communication activities in various H2020 projects.

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University of Antwerp (UA), Antwerp, Belgium

University of Antwerp (UA) is a young, dynamic and forward-thinking university which ranked 14th in the “Top 50 Universities Under 50 years” in 2018. The European Commission has awarded the University the “HR Excellence in Research” quality label. Within the Faculty of Science, the University created in 2006 the Department of Bioscience Engineering, recognizing a strong societal demand for research and education in the field of applied biological sciences. In this young Department, prof. Lenaerts founded the Research Group of Sustainable Energy, Air and Water Technology, joined by prof. Denys in 2013, and more recently by prof. Vlaeminck (2015) and dr. Spiller (2016). The research group rapidly established a well-equipped laboratory, and currently holds around 30 scientists. The team led by prof. Vlaeminck has a core focus on developing resource-efficient microbial technology for a sustainable water cycle and food production chain and on analyzing material/substance flows, environmental impact (LCA) and costing aspects of collection and treatment systems containing such technology.

Role in the project

For around 75% of UA’s task, Prof. Vlaeminck will work in close collaboration with TUDelft (Dr. Weissbrodt), IIT and MM Enviro Pvt. on the second treatment step in pilot 5 in WP2 and WP3, i.e. optimizing the design, start-up, control and operation of a high-rate sun-driven photoheterotrophic bioreactor (PHBR raceway pond). The PHBR will treat acidified wastewater and produce purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB), a high-value organic fertilizer. This strongly matches with the experience in biotechnology for sewage treatment and single-cell protein production in general, and production and application of phototrophs and PNSB more specifically. For around 25% of UA’s task, dr. Spiller will coordinate the environmental sustainability assessment (LCA) of the piloted technologies (WP5), in close collaboration with TUDelft, NITIE and IITKGP. Dr. Spiller has a strong expertise in conducting LCA of physicochemical and biological water treatment systems.

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University of Tartu (UT), Tartu, Estonia

Founded in 1632, the University of Tartu (UT) is the largest and most comprehensive university in Estonia and one of the most respectable centres of education and research in Central and Eastern Europe. As Estonia’s national university, UT stresses the importance of international co-operation and partnerships with reputable research universities all over the world, whilst maintaining the focus on national interests as well. University of Tartu belongs to the top 1% of the world’s mostcited universities and research institutions in Clinical Medicine, Chemistry, Environment/Ecology, Plant and Animal Science, Geosciences, Social Sciences, Biology and Biochemistry and Engineering. It is the region’s highest placed university in the prestigious QS and THE world rankings. The research group of wastewater technology at the Institute of Chemistry has been involved in a number of projects in water and wastewater research as well as development of technologies and best practices.

Role in the project

Main tasks connected with providing technical know-how and development of pilot 1 (WP2/3) at IIT Bhubaneswar. The pilot will be integrating UASB, demethanization and autotrophic nitrogen removal technologies and studies of the formed biomass and activity. UT is the EU co-leader of WP3.

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Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucia (AMAYA)

Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucia (AMAYA) is a Public Foundation of the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Sustainable Development.

AMAYA is registered as a Research Center and Entity for the Transfer of Technology and Knowledge.

Currently, AMAYA plays a major role in the water sector, undertaking various functions and tasks aimed at promoting better management of water resources with an innovative, sustainable, and supportive approach. It also acts as a platform for technology and knowledge transfer, serving as a social catalyst through its international cooperation and environmental awareness programs. With over 25 years of experience, AMAYA has been conducting research in basic sanitation wastewater treatment and reuse systems in small communities, rural, decentralized, and low-income areas, with a particular focus on natural systems with low energy consumption and minimal technical requirements. AMAYA’s infrastructure and experience have positioned it as a reference center for applied research in water treatment and reuse in southern Spain, engaging in numerous collaborative R&D&I projects with academic institutions and innovative companies.

Additionally, AMAYA serves as a platform for technology and knowledge validation and transfer, recognized as an active living lab in the water sector. It provides technical assistance to authorities in Spain on water treatment and reuse and participates in international cooperation projects in Latin America, North Africa, the Middle East, and India. Furthermore, AMAYA is involved in various international projects, events, and training programs. It is a member of the EIP Water Action Group: MEET-ME4WATER – Meeting Microbial Electrochemistry for Water (AG110), and participates in various water platforms such as WsstP, PLANETA, International Water Association (IWA), and GW2I (Global Wastewater Initiative of UNEP). Moreover, AMAYA contributes to the development of several guidelines within the framework of ISO/TC 282 WATER REUSE, including water reuse for agricultural irrigation, urban, and industrial uses.

Role in the project:

Based on the proven expertise of the AMAYA in R&D&I in pilot actions for wastewater treatment and reuse, it will co-lead with IITKGP WP2 on “Piloting of technologies”, and within WP2 and WP3 pilots 4,6 and 9.  Further it will contribute to the development of the rest of WPs of the project including dissemination activities (WP6).

Website URL: https://www.agenciamedioambienteyagua.es/

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria

BOKU is one of the leading universities in the field of natural resources management in Europe. The Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity is one of the 15 Departments of BOKU and focuses on the analysis of the natural world from organisms to ecosystems and their interactions with humans and their societies. Within the Department, the Competence Centre for Decision Aid in Environmental Management has focused on sustainability assessment as well as policy aspects related to water and wastewater management in developing and emerging countries.

Role in the project

BOKU leads WP5 and WP7, and contributes to other WPs, in particular WP6.

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Technical University of Delft (TU Delft), Delft, The Netherlands

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is the largest technical university of the Netherlands. TU Delft is a member of the IDEA League, a strategic alliance of five of Europe’s leading universities of technology. TU Delft was founded in 1842 as the Royal Academy for the education of civil engineers and has grown into a university with eight faculties, more than 23,0000 students and 3,000 scientific staff members. TU Delft’s mission is contributing towards a sustainable society for the twenty-first century by conducting ground-breaking scientific and technological research which is acknowledged as world-class, by training scientists and engineers (education) with a genuine commitment to society and by helping to translate knowledge into technological innovations and activity with both economic and societal value (valorization). In the past few years, valorization has developed into a full third core activity of our university, after education and research. Translation of scientific inventions into innovation on the market is a core duty of the TU Delft based on its strong ties with the industry. The TU Delft harbors the maximum score on industry income (99.8%) within THE World University Ranking and ranks 18 in the field of Engineering and Technology. Staff from three departments divided over three faculties will participate in this consortium, namely the Department of Water Management within the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, the Department of Biotechnology within the Faculty Applied Sciences, and the Delft Center for Systems and Control within the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering. Notably, the Department of Water Management is ranked position one in the most recent Shanghai disciplinary Ranking on Water Resources. TU Delft participates with the research groups Water Management (WM) and Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) as main participants. Both groups have been working together on modelling, monitoring, management, and control of water systems since more than 20 years. The core research activity of DCSC consists in the development of new theories and numerical tools for modelling, monitoring, estimation, and control of complex, large-scale dynamical systems, as well as the validation of these new contributions in challenging engineering applications, including water management and water treatment.

Role in the project

The Delft Center for Systems and Control is leading WP4 and The Water Management Group is leading pilots 5 and 8 within WP2 and WP3. Activities for pilot 4 are co-ordinated closely with the University of Antwerp and TU Delft’s Group of Environmental Life Science Engineering. As shown by the CVs of the involved experts, TU Delft is very well qualified to lead those tasks.

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