Location: IIT Bhubaneswar Campus, Argul, Jatni, Bhubaneswar (Orissa)
Pilot Leaders: UT / IITBBS
Pilot Status: Pilot plant construction is going on.
Water challenge in this location: The water demand in the area comprises of the residential, academic and recreational area’s water requirements. In addition, the campus is in a budding stage of the construction of academic and residential buildings, developing plantations and green belts, which add to the water demand. The water demand in the campus is presently met from the groundwater source. The water extraction from the area is depleting the groundwater level. Therefore, the proposed study will emphasize on the reuse of wastewater for flushing, gardening and aesthetic enhancement. The process will be conducted with an eco-friendly biological treatment system.
Benefits of the technology: Novel biological treatment methods are much more economical treatment paths due to no requirement of organic carbon and less aeration energy needed for the treatment. Additionally, owing to the autotrophic nature, generation of sludge is considerably lower than the conventional treatment processes. Emerging autotrophic nitrogen removal technologies already used in Europe and USA could be benefitted in India for wastewater treatment.
Potential for India: The energy-efficient technologies for integrated COD and nutrient removal are in focus for India. Application of autarchic treatment technologies has a huge potential as an energy efficient nitrogen removal process and hence also suitable for rural areas with unstable energy supply.
Scope of replication/upscaling across India: Approaching to zero- waste generation and energy production from waste concepts would enhance India’s economic, environmental and political status. Biological nutrients removal is of utmost important for India due to large population and lack of advanced but affordable biological wastewater treatment technologies. Achievement of proper deammonification process involved microorganisms cultivation technologies from scratch and spreading to various wastewater treatment plants may be a viable solution to the issue of environmental pollution by the large population at warm climate conditions. With warm climate presence, several anaerobic biological treatment technologies depending on temperature would be suitable for nutrients removal. Anaerobic ammonium oxidizers have optimum growth temperature of about 30°C making it suitable for treatment of nutrients coming from mainstream wastewater.
Public deliverables: UASB- ANAMMOX demonstration plant, treating 0.1 MLD sewage. Resource recovery facilities. Technical know how of the piloted technology.