Biokube (BioK), Tappernoje, Denmark

BioKube is a company registered in Denmark in 2004 and is specialized in the development and manufacturing of biological wastewater treatment systems. BioKube has installed 3.600 wastewater treatment systems in Denmark and globally, in 46 countries. BioKubes systems are developed and certified according to the European standards in CEN 12566-3 and CEN 12566-6. The systems are ongoing enhanced and developed with focus on fulfilling the United Nation SDG no 6. The systems have also achieved Environmental Technology Verification of their use in summer houses or vacation hotels with long pauses in the incoming wastewater.

Role in the project

BioKube will provide support and back-up to piloting the BioKube packaged wastewater treatment plants in Jaipur (Pilot 3). BioKube plants are handled in India by Waterneer who has signed a LOI for participation in Saraswati 2.0.

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